Slice & Dice 2.0 release

Thanks so much from me and a3um to everyone who bought the game! You have changed my life and funded this big update <3

This version uses a new save file, hopefully it will prompt you to restore some achievements


  • +40 new heroes (including alternate t1 heroes)
  • +11 new modes
  • +213 new items
  • +23 new monsters (including 5 bosses)
  • +52 new keywords
  • +175 new blessings/curses (+474 more kinda)
  • +80 new achievements
  • +20,000 more heroes???
  • More events (like challenge)
  • Almanac expanded & improved
  • Improved item iconography
  • Tutorial tweaked
  • Confirmation dialogs everywhere
  • More options
  • Achievements rework
  • Fullscreen
  • Still no music
  • Blessings/curses for difficulty modes now randomly generated
  • Level generation tweaked
  • Removed shield sides from monsters
  • 'Unlock all' option
  • Item ordering
  • Keywords now all have unique icons
  • Undo back to roll phase (if you still have rerolls left)
  • Double-tap to sort dice
  • Shareable copy/paste level state (it's a mode)
  • Extra hard difficulty modes
  • Skip hero levelup
  • Leaderboards reset
  • More leaderboards and improved leaderboard UI
  • Enemies flee if losing badly
  • Lots of art tweaks
  • Lots more I forgot to write...


  • Changed most things, it's probably easiest to look yourself...
  • Removed/changed some items that are too specific for all the extra stuff
  • No more dragon egg sorcerer, you'll have to work harder than that for an infinite (I hope!)

Bug fixes

  • Fix cantrip leader crash
  • Fix victory-load crash
  • Many many other misc bug fixes
  • Shader memory leak fix
  • Added 47 new bugs


  • Video playthrough/explanation links in help section
  • Rudimentary language section
  • Targets no longer reposition whilst you are targeting
  • Added confirmation popup to all choices and links
  • Removed copy progress, now you can only copy achievements
  • 3d camera adjusted
  • Keyword description improvements
  • Cruel/engage etc now act on a different layer and can interact with other keywords like pain
  • Capped most numbers to prevent overflow
  • Reset stats/achievements buttons
  • Leaderboards display platform
  • Bold font!
  • Can now use more abilities when not-recommended (eg healing)


windows 59 MB
Oct 02, 2022
mac 55 MB
Oct 02, 2022
mac (alt) 62 MB
Oct 02, 2022
windows demo 59 MB
Oct 02, 2022
mac demo 55 MB
Oct 02, 2022
mac demo (alt) 62 MB
Oct 02, 2022

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"still no music"


(3 edits) (+1)

Hi! Is there a way to save progress on Android (to a file maybe?) and transfer it / restore it to another Android device, or to the same device after a device "factory reset"?

Also if this is possible can the save progress be restored from Android to a PC/Windows version of the game?

Thank You!


I found the save/unlock transfer (PC) :

you have to go to stats menu in the game on old PC and then copy unlocks to clipboard. Then transfer text to new PC.

When you start the game import unlocks in stats menu

(1 edit) (-18)

apparently my last comment got deleted, so this time i'm gonna be very thorough when i explain why Classic Unfair is unplayable garbage that needs a nerf

Slice & Dice's mobs are designed with very specific weaknesses you have to learn to exploit; bandits run away if you do 2 or more overkill damage to an enemy, goblins flee when alone, wizzes are stunned when taking 2 damage, cyclops are stunned when taking half HP, illusions have 1 hp, etc.

it's very tightly balanced, which is important to point out because the amount of debuffs you have to contend with in unfair completely break most of these weaknesses and cause the enemies' win conditions to be so easy to achieve that you are 99% bound to die either early or late in the run when it's the most dangerous. graves or slates with shield response (hope you have trapper!), illusions with undying monsters, garbage like sandstorm, stone monsters getting rid of bandit's only solid kill con and making barrels completely useless on top of the already huge buff, any summon monster with row +1, etc. until any one combination of monsters has a very significant chance of wiping you past level 8

you can play immaculately, get combos like bash with stalwart and self-shielding items, and it'll still be completely out of your control at some point or another; it's unfun and unbearably obnoxious. i'm sure there's some absurdly specific setup or insanely lucky combination of items and heroes that can win the game, but the other 99.9% of playthroughs it's shit and the mode needs a retooling in general; some sort of set of "unfair curses" specific to the mode would probably go a long ways in making the mode more fun


This man plays an optional difficulty mode called Unfair and gets upset that it is unfair.

Deleted 1 year ago

Classic Unfair is actually my favorite game mode!  I find it to be challenging while remaining reasonably fair.  I recommend checking out some of the other game modes, Slice & Dice is a game where players often find their own favorite way to play through different game mode and difficulty combinations

Deleted 93 days ago

Please, I would alsp öole to transfer from my old broken down PC the save

is it somewhere in Appdata?

I found the save/unlock transfer:

you have to go to stats menu in the game on old PC and then copy unlocks to clipboard. Then transfer text to new PC.

When you start the game import unlocks in stats menu

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

As much as I get your point about the reroll, I find it incredibly intrusive to how I want to experience the game. If I want a run that I'm limited, I'll do it myself thank you. I love your game and have bought it multiple times, but I'd prefer not having the way I like to play it messed with.

Can I please urge you to at LEAST add an optional toggle in the settings to turn off/on unlimited curse rerolls? (A plain toggle option, available at anytime, not locked behind achievements like some of the other options.)


Awesome Game, i hope you add alot more content. So it never ends =)


This game is sooooooo gooooood!


I wish I'd known that I'd lose everything upgrading to 2.0 on Android. 😭😭😭

(1 edit)

Fantastic game, but the 2.0 update crashes when opening the Blursed Mode on a Macbook.

Scratch that last bit. Read through the comments, beat a Normal mode run, and now everything works fine!

I love this update! But unfortunately it runs weirdly slow on my computer when on the fullscreen option. I am super happy that the Acolyte and Adept are named to something a bit more traditional for their roles and all the new classes are genuinely insane!

Why did the defender shave? (Awesome update, I just liked the defender better with his facial hair haha)


I know I'm being 'that guy' asking this.... Are there any plans for Steam release in the future?


this is the best mobile game there is

Big fan of the game; just gotta say though, I hate The Hand, if you don't have a build that goes infinite or pops off cause of the +1 to all sides you just lose, especially if he summons Sabers the first couple turns. Wish that you could know what your final boss was going to be so you could at least try and build towards The Hand. Way harder than any of the others.
Otherwise, great fun!

how do you download the 2.0 version? Can't find any link

in your library, the new files are all 2.0


Sad to see that the jar file has been removed, meaning the game no longer has proper linux support as i have not been able to successfully run the jar files from the mac versions yet as they require a newer it seems like.

Havent tried just running the windows version yet in wine.

Other than that i am having a blast with the game, but i guess i will be sticking to version 1.0.3 for now.


works like native on wine for me


nice then there isnt really much problem then :) i just havent had time to try in wine, been busy

This game is awesome, and absolutely packed with content and so much fun and replayability.

Some stuff is bananas how hard it is! 

Got a win on Brutal!

New update? Serious hype - the changelog looks fantastic.

Personally, seeing the game continue to get love from the developer is honestly fantastic - and makes me love the game/dev even more. <3

That's an incredible surprise! Thanks so much for 2.0 :D

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