Version 1.0.2
8 new items
New 'Challenge' reward
Added 3 curse-mode items to the main pool
Added save-transfer system to title-screen menu
Store run-history in stats
Added patch notes to manual
More curse-mode blessings/curses
Can now open inventory whilst picking rewards
Added title-screen update notification
Slate nerfed (hopefully will make troll king fight less-deadly!)
Rotten buffed
Curse-mode first curse is now a curse-mode curse (curse curse curse)
Leader +1 hp
Collector +1 hp -mana +hammer
Guardian reworked
Brawler -shield +stun
Sorcerer -1 hp, more mana and shield cantrip
Venom -cleanse +poison, triple-poison now buffable
Mender +1 spell cost
Warlock +1 spell cost
Sapphire -1 tier
Short sword +1 tier
Infinity spell +1 cost
Castor root now replaces blank sides with heal 2
Rusty place replaces middle side and gives +3 max hp
Iron soul -1 shield
Reagents changes different sides
Boarhide Bracers changes different sides
Remove contentious undo-limit curses
Removed Heavy Spells & Mana Arrears curse-mode curses
Bug fixes
Hopefully fixed android mode duplication
Hopefully fixed android re-open issues
Bonus to incoming healing now affects regen even if counteracted by poison
Stop dodge from dodging chat events/other friendly effects
Can now use redirect with value 0
Can no longer re-use wands vs basilisk if you cleanse
Fixed enemies getting stuck in the wrong place if you end turn quickly
Fixed some achievements popping up at the wrong time
Fixed instant mode using the wrong backgrounds
Fixed negative rerolls glitch
Fixed dice remaining in roll area if they die during the rolling phase
Fixed rare dragon fight crash
Fixed shortcut mode allowing duplicate items
Fixed broken curse completion achievements
Some more keyboard shortcuts, check the manual under 'tips'
Swapped Start Poisoned/Expensive Spells curses for Hard/Unfair mode
Made some achievements easier to get
Removed Vitality keyword
Replaced drain keyword with self-heal
Renamed 'slow' keyword to 'heavy'
Renamed heavy hammer to big hammer
Renamed Shock spell to Zap
Burst spell is now always on the left
Can click locked mode to show required achievement
Changed the unequipped items warning system
Made unfair-streak achievement show up in challenges
Reordered item effects to avoid/allow some edge-cases
Various UI tweaks/other minor fixes
Get Slice & Dice
Slice & Dice
Roguelike dice tactics game
More posts
- Small Slice & Dice updateNov 23, 2024
- Slice & Dice version 3.1Nov 19, 2024
- small update 3.0.18Mar 28, 2024
- 3.0 releaseMar 20, 2024
- still workingJun 29, 2023
- Slice & Dice 2.0 releaseOct 02, 2022
- Version 1.0.3Jul 20, 2021
- Slice and Dice launched!Jun 16, 2021
- Updated demoMar 22, 2021
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Man, the Rotten absolutely kicks my team to the kerb every time. Endless reinforcements and -1 go to every one of my people, every time, is too much. By the time it's dead I've got a bunch of 2hp heroes facing 10+ Imps and Bones.
Maybe its -1hp thing could go on a side or two, instead of just happening? Or maybe the -max HP thing could be a condition that can be entirely reversed with Cleanse? IDK, it just feels a bit OP currently.
Other than the Rotten though, I love this game!
Haha, I love it when people have a nemesis! I hope you manage to beat them some day :)