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Any plans for iCloud sync on iOS/iPadOS in the near future?

Do I start from zero again with the v3, or is there a way to continue my save?

how do you update from the 2.0 version.  When I open the game there is nothing that shows for an update and this page doesn't have anything that updates from 2.0 to 3.

So I'm trying to update to 3.0 using Itch and running it on my steam deck as a non-steam game. Unfortunately it's not running; I think the problem is that same "Unzip" problem from V2.0. 

I also made the mistake of moving my DNS 2.0 into a new folder and it broke the playability. Does anyone know what specific files have the save files are so when I nuke and restart I can keep my old progress? 

This is where just buying the Steam version makes sense. 

Didn't even know it had an official Steam release! Nice!

Anyway, it is indeed a zip problem, but if you can unzip it on a Windows PC and transfer it over it will work. That or re-routing all the folders manually. The last version had this issue too!

Runs on mobile seem to always generate with the same "seed" in 3.0, every time i start a new game its always the exact same heroes and monsters in the first room, any idea what could be causing this?

get to fight 3 and try again

cool game , thx a bunch

install function not working properly here 

If I bought the 2.0 version of the game, do I get the 3.0 for free or do I have to purchase the game again?

Yes, the update is free.

In 2.0, you can align the dice then click reroll (once) to have them all re-roll. No need to double click, like you do currently in 3.0.

Being able to align->reroll directly made life a lot easier; I'd love to see that re-implmented in 3.0 if possible! It was such a nice thing, that not I'm really feeling the impact of not having it.

While I'm really loving 3.0, I do want to comment that I think the Help/Almanac menus are significantly cluttered/clustered in the latest release compared to 2.0.

2.0 is sleek and refined, everything is where makes sense and sorted into different tabs (especially the Alamanac) and laid out appropriately. Would love to see the same happen for 3.0 - even is just for the sake of the new players! I want them to have the best experience possible, and I feel 2.0 was rock solid in the interface/menuing regards.

That all said - the fact that you can "re-lock unlocks" in 3.0 without losing progress/forced to restart: seriously, such a huge deal. Thanks! <3


A lot of people are asking this, but I haven't seen a response: is there a plan to give a Steam key to people who purchased on itch?

Personally, I already bought this on Android and Itch, so I would not feel justified buying a third copy, but I'd still like to have it on Steam...


You can add it with "Games"->"Add a non-Steam game to my library". Sure, it's not the same as owning it on Steam for the purposes of achievements and stuff - but, it's still playable/the same game. :shrug:


No, that is not the same. No automatic updates, no achievements (if they are ever added), no cloud syncing, etc. Playable yes, but the dev really should just hand out some keys so we don't have to do that. Trying to get people to buy it again is scummy.


It’s hardly scummy. The game came to a new platform and if you want, you can buy there for the platform features; but it’s not like something got removed from 2.0.

And handing out keys means a lot of people who don’t care about Steam are going to give their Steam keys away for free, thus preventing potential sales.


The few sales there's been on Itch prior to launching Steam isn't going to sway the needle in any way, I assure you (I would wager it's already sold more on Steam than on Itch). If anything it would have a positive influence on sales since people that get keys would most certainly post positive reviews for the game. And that's everything on Steam, wishlists and reviews is what drives their algorithm.

If the choice is between giving back in a very minor way to the people that believed in the game before it came out on Steam, which lets face it, is *the* platform people want their games on. Or trying to squeeze every little cent out of people making them have to buy it twice - then yeah, that's scummy. No other way to say it. Dev should get their priorities in check, this ain't it.


I agree that it's not scummy, but don't be here running defense for the developer and making up reasons for why something is or isn't viable.

Of course, the developer is under no obligation to hand out Steam keys, nor has he hasn't said anything about it yet. But I think that most early supporters (myself included) would appreciate an acknowledgement of said support.

It's pretty simple: I bought the game twice already, I am not buying it a third time, but if I were given the Steam version, I would be more inclined to support this developer in future.


Dev has said keys for Itch won't be coming on the Discord server. From the FAQ section:

"Can I get it on other platforms if I bought it somewhere?

You can download the android version if you bought it on itch. That is all."

It's just a ploy to sell to the same players again and again. You might not want to call it what it is, but it's scummy behavior. And sure, there's no obligation to do it as it wasn't ever promised, but that doesn't make it right... The honorable thing is to just make it easy for the early players/supporters.


Holy SHIT this game is bloody amazing. Sat down and ended up playing for 5 hours straight. Genius work, dev team

hello! Someone who loves your game. I sent you an email to report a bug and make a suggestion about the game. I was going to write it here, but it got too long so I sent it by email. thank you

Prior to the update was running fine on Linux launching through Proton, appears to be broken since the update, anyone found a solution?


"Ok, so there's actually a really weird bug that's causing this I think. For some reason when it extracts using a gui archive manager, it's messing up all the java files.

What you need to do is go back into desktop, make a new SliceAndDice folder, and put the inside that. You can delete all the files from the previous file extraction as well.

Once you've done that, right click in the folder and hit open konsole. Type unzip and hit enter. It should extract all the files, but when you look in the folder instead of having hundreds of files you should just have a folder called jre, config.json, dice.jar, and SliceAndDice.exe. Add SliceAndDice.exe back to steam and set a proton version. It should work now."

On Steam Deck I just had to change to using Proton Experimental.

I have so much time in v2. I really love this game (200.000 + dice rolled ). Can’t wait to play v3. 
but, am I the only one having this error (Unable to access IAP for iOS)?

My previous phone was an android and I would be so happy to keep playing on an iPhone 


(Ps I have tried a different connection as suggested …)

I am also getting this error. I’ve bought the Win/Mac/Android bundles out a year ago, then bought and installed the iOS version just this week.

I realised that there’s also an iPad version and downloaded it there too (free as it’s the same Apple account), but the iPad gives me this error. No number of different networks and reinstalls removes the error. 

Thanks, I don’t know much about this issue. Unfortunate that you had it after purchasing! Send another message if it’s still broken on Monday (I still won’t be able to fix it, just interested)

Thanks Tann for the replay. 
don’t worry for the purchase. Happy to support awesome games as this one!!!

We will keep you posted on Monday. In the meantime I have the feeling that it has something to do if the device is managed / supervised by a third party. Such in the case if you enroll your phone in a company 

But thanks again !


The issue persists after the latest update. 

Regards, Vid

(1 edit)


On high resolution monitors, making the window larger (using the full screen button on the window frame, the one next to the X button) lags the game tremendously. The dice move in slow motion, about 1/2 the speed they do in the default window size


There's an option under settings to disable dice roll btw. :)


Armorer's "Shield 1 smith" ability's base 1 shield doesn't stack properly with the Brute's 2 selfshield from "2 damage selfshield".


1) Use "Shield 1 smith" on Brute, Brute gains 1 shield, +1 to "2 damage selfshield".

2) Use "2 damage selfshield" (now became a "3 damage selfshield") on enemy.

What I expect to happen is:

Brute gains base +1 shield, and a +1 to the "2 damage selfshield", so after Brute uses it, Brute should do 3 damage and have a total of (1+3 = 4) shield.

Instead, what actually happens is:

Enemy takes 3 damage, Brute ends up with 2 shield total.

The +2 selfshield replaces the earlier base 1 shield the Brute gained from "Shield 1 smith", resulting in a total 2 shield.

Not only should the additional selfshield be added rather than replace the existing shield, since "smith" is defined as " +1 to damage and shield sides this turn", shouldn't the Brute's "2 damage selfshield" just get boosted for everything, including selfshield amount, when it gains a +1 from smith? Since the whole point of that side is that it's a simultaneous increase to both damage and shield.

is the enemy a spiker because i have a hunch that you didnt see the enemy's 2 damage to attackers passive

Nope. If the Brute took 2 damage, it would be a different result. I tested it a couple times on different enemies.


I'm getting an error while trying to install the game.
The file seems to error while trying to make the directory (mkdir): slice-dice\jre\lib\images

Even if I manually make the directory the error persist.


Same here


Any fix as of yet?


so unless I have some 3rd party program installed, I have to pay again if I want it on my phone? Or am I just dumb and everyone who purchased it already beat the crap out of the boss on their phone? some help guys.

Same here cannot install full version on my Android

You probably have the play store version installed. You can’t update between itch/google play. Uninstall the one you have first (you will lose progress, copy your achievements first)

At the end I did it. Don't know why wasn't working, I tried to uninstall multiple times.

I don’t understand your question.

If you bought the game on Itch, you already own both the PC and Android versions.

If you want the iOS version, you need to buy it from the App Store.

yeah it’s ipad so I guess I have to buy one. Thanks though.


Can I access the iOS ipa somehow? I'd like to play it on my iphone, I recently switched from android...


The game looks interesting. I didn't have it on my radar so far.
Are you planning to upload the Linux version here on Itch, too?


I love Slice and Dice and I've been playing it off and on for the past year on my phone. I am so glad to see it's still seeing updates, but I would just like to say that I wish I could turn off portrait mode altogether. I don't like it, and I normally use my phone in locked orientation so I have to unlock my orientation to get out of portrait mode and it's a bit awkward.


Hell yeah. I've been looking forward to this update for months. Slice & Dice is one of the best indie games I've played this decade. ❤️‍🔥


Bought the game a while ago, fantastic game! Came back here to get the new update but Avast thinks there is malware attached to it. Some Java malware, should I be afraid? And if not, how do I download then


Hello there, I just played through the demo and fell on love, but was quite sad when I saw the pricetag :(, the lack of regional pricing (I'm in turkey) makes it a really hard purchase for me, since 350TL is quite big 

If you ever plan on adding regional pricing for Google play store I'd love to both support you and enjoy the game one day <3


I have a question. I have already purchased the version over a year ago, but i really want to download it on my iPhone. Do i have to pay for it again in the appstore? Does anyone know?

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)

I believe you do (or I did anyway) but imho it's easily worth another $9 for a such surprisingly deep game (and supporting this indie developer).  2c.

(1 edit) (-3)

Click on "Buy Now" on this page (the Itch io page), press "I already paid for this" and follow the instruction on the page it brings you to (and when you can finally download the game again, of course download the .apk file so you can install on your phone)

Edit: Theres also the Itch io launcher thing that might help, but im not very familiar with it so im unsure


I downloaded the new version but it closes itself after opening and seeing loading screen. I tried to re-download it and it still does it. Do you have any solutions?

(2 edits)

Amazing to have this addictive gem on iOS (I happily repurchased it).   Q:  would it be a lot of work to add the ability to share game state data between the iPhone and iPad versions (via iCloud)?  Would be lovely to be able to move back & forth between them with one's achievements, etc.  Thanks.


I tried downloading the game again, and it gets about 25% and then just cancels the download everytime, saying File wasn't available on site, is there anything you can help me with here?


For real. I can't download the game either. I dunno what to do. Being this way till yesterday....

for me it turned out to be my antivirus blocking it, disabling it just for the download worked.


Can we get a Steam key for older purchases?


Music is awesome. Want to listen to these tracks outside of the game. Have they been published somewhere else?


Hey tann,

you can tag files to have extra cost, usually for offering DLCs.

You could change it so the Android version costs extra and set the base price down again, it feels wrong that the itch version is more expensive than all the others. Especially since you get a bigger share here (unless otherwise selected, standard is 10% cut from itch, whereas Steam takes 30%).

Hope this helps! :)


Wow the best news of the week! Incredible game, the masterpiece of balance and replaying. Although I still can't get streak 2 on Classic Unfair... Thank you Tann!

amazing game, would love if there was an option to hide the blinking of pips (the extra ones from keywords like pristine when youre on full hp)

Phenomenal update, can’t wait to explore all the new content !! 

If you are trying to play on Linux, try running this terminal command when you are in the extracted folder:

java -jar dice.jar

(2 edits)

Oh sorry, Windows 11. Updater didn't work.

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