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This is a great game i've ever played!

When will the ios version release?


You should put this on steam and GOG. Considering how well vampire survivors is doing at $3 this will do well as well. I'd rebuy it on steam tbh.


same!  would love to see this on Steam and Switch!


Just played the demo! It was awesome, great work :D

Love the combination of strategy and luck with a game like this - and some really creative designs like the reroll and cantrip


Found this on playstore because of the great pixel art, bought it and felt like I had to come over and gush about how good this game is. This is now one of my all time favorite games for mobile, I cannot praise it enough.

Came for the pixels, stayed for the gameplay, 10/10 would wholeheartedly reccomend.


Same here! +1 to all of this :)


Bought it on my phone this morning on my way to work.
No work was done today.

Amazing game guys. Great idea and execution.

Excellent game! Where is the save located? Cheers!


Cannot believe how good this game is


had a great time with this, cruising through normal difficulty with my partner as we gave ballet slippers and a black hole to a hardened warrior


update when?

Hey Tann. I love the game, but wonder about the updates. It's been a while and would love to see it go further~ Maybe post a letter talking about what's up? Would help people understand if there's been some issues with life  or the development. Either way I hope things are well and stay strong!


There is a discord where Tann and others are active, with a devlog of sorts too


Just wanted to say I've played this on my phone every day for around 2 months and I'm STILL yet to clear all the achievements.
I adore this game and, should you ever find your self wanting to sell some DLC, I'd raise my hand as an person very interested in that!
What a gem of a game.

Same year, I would love more content. Still loving the game.


I don't think the game was meant for this, (This was done in custom mode):

I only have the demo but plan to get the full version soon, but i just wanted to ask.... does the full game have a fullscreen mode? Because the demo doesnt.


Yes, it does.


Hi! No you cannot fullscreen though maybe you can maximise the window? Fullscreen coming next update one day maybe...


Absolutely love this game! I saw it on youtube yesterday and I bought it today lol,

I was wondering if there is a way to refuse a hero upgrade? Multiple times I have had good items on certain heroes that aren't good on others and I have to give up really good synergies for marginally better die faces. 

Seriously though this game is amazing and I look forward to your future projects!

I too would like to know this.


Hello! I purchased the game for android, and now I want to play the PC version. 

How could I launch the full version on my windows PC without buying the game once more?

Is it possible to synchronise the achievements between the two versions - android and PC?

You have to buy again.

Synchronisation is possible but it's buggy, check options on title screen.

This is a decent workaround:


Went straight to buy this game as soon as I finished the demo.

I have, sadly, overspent myself on gaming recently - else I’d consider buying this, though it does remind me of Dice Hunter for Android (but without that game’s p2w)


Great game, this should be on steam where it can get the attention it deserves


I've been playing this game to death, I love it. 

Only one gripe, could we get a colourblind mode or something? I only noticed the colours on the enemies after 3-4 hours of play. The two blue? (I think they're blue) characters are impossible for me to differentiate.

Love the game!

I bought it on the play store, is there any way to unlock the full version on PC?

As far as I'm aware based on a quick search through the Discord, sadly there might not be a way to get the other versions if you bought it via google play. I'd say ask Tann on the discord for confirmation.


Like a few others here I got this very quickly after I saw Tom Francis's two part playthrough.

...more than a week later, i'm beyond hooked, i play every day, both on my laptop and on my phone. There's a great variety in everything. Gamemodes, positive and negative run modifiers, classes, items, synergies, and challenges, and i haven't even finished unlocking it all yet.

On top of this, the sound design and pixel art are a perfect blend, satisfying in the extreme while being gorgeous and clear. The game is in a state that I would genuinely call feature complete, but there's still plans to continue adding on to it, which is honestly amazing.

Seriously, this game is worth thrice the price at least. If you are reading this and like satisfying roguelikes with item synergy and a huge amount of replayability, this is well worth the cost regardless of platform. I'd reccomend you try the demo, and then if you think it's a good experience, and have the spare cash, tip a bit extra when buying to show your appreciation.

It takes a few days to unlock all the gamemodes and items and stuff but they're all perfect for scratching specific itches.

Some for when you want a brutal challenge for you masochistic folk out there, some for if you want an instant dopamine hit and to play a random round having jumped straight into the engame with a full set of lategame items and classes, others still for when you want to tailor it to your liking by selecting exactly which party member types you want to take.

It feels breathtakingly breezy and light while retaining a huge amount of depth, is lightning fast to restart if you get poor rng (which is HUGE for preventing the game from becoming frustrating as there will be times you just don't get the rolls you need) and in honesty this might be my new favourite every day game.

There's also a cute reference to Pterry's Discworld which I know tann is torn on but it's cute and honestly tipped the balance for me on buying the game when i was only partway through playing the demo rather than waiting until i got to the end.

Huge props to Tann for executing this clear labour of love with such passion and excellence in design. The discord is active and vibrant with a lot of insights into both development and strategy, and honestly just a chill place. 

I am reccomending this game to basically everyone i know at this point and i am thoroughly addicted. You're awesome, Tann, keep it up :D

Super fun game! I first played on Android after seeing Tom Francis play it and now I have the demo on PC and will probably buy the full version soon. Bc I played Android first I currently have 2 wins and 0 losses - let's see how long I can keep this streak :)


To run this in Ubuntu 20.04, cd to the directory where you downloaded the JAR file, then run:

java -jar SliceAndDiceFull-1-0-3.jar

Slice & Dice requires the JRE (Java Run-Time Environment, which you can install with this command:

sudo apt install default-jre

SIice & Dice also requires version 8 of the JDK, which you can get with this command:

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk

If you have another version of the JDK already installed, Slice & Dice still won't run.  Use this command to choose JDK version 8 instead of the other verison.

sudo update-alternatives --config java

I haven't tested any other Linux versions.

Thanks for this, I'll try to improve Linux export next time, it's not great that you need a JDK lol

I would add that it did not work for me with Java 11, I had to install Java 8. That might be useful info for others who try to get it running.

(1 edit)

Loving the game, only one issue. When creating a custom starting party, can you make it so we can hover over the portraits to see their abilities? At the moment, I can only scroll through pictures of faces, and I don't know who's who.

Also, are there plans for a full party generator, not just with starting classes? Would be very useful for theorycrafting and just having fun making intentionally over- or under-powered teams

hey this game rules, A+ stuff

Amazing game, got me hooked just like Slay the Spire a few years ago. Just one question though: is Unfair difficulty beatable? I've managed to last through 16 levels just 1 time when I got really lucky. Never got even close to that ever since

Can I ask for some enhanced keyboard control features? At the current moment, they only respond to the left shift. Additionally, there are many menus that cannot be navigated with a keyboard that I think it would be good to be able to. Finally, an option to display hotkeys on inputs (for easier targeting, for example) would be good.


Incredible game, I feel like I found a hidden diamond

May I ask, are there any future plans for the game?

so good!!!!


Just grabbed this on Android after Tom Francis's great little demo on youtube! LOVING the look and feel of it and will be unlocking it with an IAP as soon as it asks!


Thanks! The $$$ is the same on the play store. Free demo with single purchase for the full game.

Just purchased it! Wonderful!


Tom Francis just did an amazing and fun let's play on his youtube channel. Instantly bought the game even though I haven't heard about it before (or about too for that matter). Can't wait to try it out. Would be amazing to have it on Steam also.

Fantastic dice rolling game! I love lots of the decisions here - the luck first, choice after, the variety of enemies, the different difficulty levels. It's easy to stop at any time with the save each action feature, and to pick it up at any point. Overall great value for money, you can can get better value than many AAA games out of it.

hi! i found this on the android store and i love it! i just purchased the full version , and then just now realized for the same price i could have had it on pc too?? any chance i can get it on pc also without buying it twice? thanks!

I think I've answered before but it's way down there so I should put another answer up!

I don't really know about this stuff yet, I'm going to think about it once I release on more platforms (hopefully steam/ios). 

For now, you have to buy again if you bought on Google Play and want to play on PC. You should be able to transfer achievements over if you do using the copy/load progress feature.

Deleted 2 years ago

Oh man I am so stoked to see this on iOS!!

I saw it played by Retromation, and this is what I have always wanted out of a dice game!  The combination of gear affecting the faces and classes allows for so many satisfying setups.

I will be buying this on iOS day one, and will be getting any dlc you make for it, if any.

Genius dev!


Played the demo for a week straight, wasn't hard deciding whether to buy it or not. I'm generally not a fan of roguelikes, but this game does everything right. Maybe I'm just a sucker for the party-based combat combined with the dice aesthetic. But don't be fooled by the luck-based dice mechanic- after playing for ~2 weeks, I can tell you I very, very rarely get screwed over by the dice, at least on normal and hard mode (I haven't tried 'unfair' yet). Because the player makes the decision on whether to reroll or not, you have a bigger part to play in what actions you take on any given turn. A large part of the gameplay is seeing what dice you rolled, how those rolls stack up against the enemy's attacks, and whether you should re roll some of them or not. 

I might even go so far as to call this game a puzzle game, each turn seeing which dice will save you, and which are just better to reroll for something different. 

Another bonus that you don't see on the store page (at this time) is a specific list of the alternate modes. One of my favorite modes is the 'custom' mode, where instead of having 1 of each class (like in the standard mode), you can pick and choose what classes you want in your party. You want to do a run with 5 healers? Go ahead. You want a full party of tanks? Why not. It's this mode specifically that keeps me coming back time and time again in between runs of the classic mode. 

Taking breaks is possible, thanks to the game saving during every action, so you can put it down and come back right where you left off, which is especially good for mobile players. 

The only changes I could see being good would obviously be more classes and enemies. Not that the variety isn't good already, but I figure the more content, the better. Another idea is adding another mode where skills are completely randomized for every class- like the level 2 healer classes could have any skills from the pool of level 2 healer abilities, rather than the classes having their preset skills. The mode could be called 'random' or something along those lines.

All in all, It's a crazy fun game, and $7 is more than a fair asking price. I mostly play on PC, but I also play on phone from time to time, and it handles really well on both platforms. I highly recommend you pick up the game, and I can't wait to see where the developer takes the game.


I played the demo out of boring a few days ago. Now I paid willingly the full price to buy the full version of the game. It's great entertainment for a short break or an 2 hours play session. In short: I am addicted; in a good way. ;)

(1 edit) (+3)

Just wanted to be the latest to tell you what a great game you made.  I'm having a ton of fun, and feel like I've already got my money's worth.  Thanks for making this, and I hope you make some more in the future.


The Game is really good i hope you keep adding more content to keep the player around maybe some unique game mode to play ?

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