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Hey! This is truly a hidden gem! Please consider releasing on Steam so more people can discover this fun and wonderful game!

I also wish this was a physical game. I think I'll even make a board game inspired by this to play with my brother and friends!


hello. I’m so sorry to be another person asking this, but I don’t think I’ve found a definitive answer about it when searching? Is there any chance/plan that this will be released on steam? 

Thanks so much in advance. Super want to play this game!


If I got the game on the playstore is there any way to redeem it on Itch? I only ask cos I see that buying it here gets it on both devices </3

the game is fantastic if anyone is wondering - I'm asking above bc I'd love to play it on PC as well as mobile lol

do you get access to future updates as well?



If you'll get just one game from itchio, get this one.

This game is dope.


waiting for version 3.0


Any chance for a Steam release for those of us that like to have all games under one library?


I agree !!! We need a Steam version as soon as possible !!!



+1 for Steam release 


i play a LOT of timesink games. this is the only one i've ever bought twice - i just got a new laptop, and instead of moving my old files over, i want to support you again. thank you for hours of fun!!!!


Today i had to change from Android to iOS phone... So, i'm wondering is there a chance for iOS version too?

I am hoping for this too. I can no longer play cause I have an iPhone now


One of the greatest rogue-likes imo! Such a fun game (been playing the android version). Cannot wait for more content. Keep it up you guys!

I found this game on Android and bought it.
I found out later that if I purchase it here, I can also play the PC version.
There was no explanation for this in the game, so there was nothing I could do about it.
Even if I purchased it on Android, is there a way to play the PC version? I just don't know, is there a way?
Either way, I really like this game and I hope the developer continues to expand it. I don't care if it's DLC.
This comment may look unnatural because it was written with Google Translate.

I almost bought it on Android but stopped because it doesn't provide access to the PC version.


Absolutely love this game! Any chance for adding an option to always show attack lines for enemies? Gets kinda confusing having the same color multiple times in custom party.

Played this on android and its probably the best game I've played on it.


What dark art do we have to commit for the Steam release?


honestly yes I'd also love a steam release

Bought it and sadly can't install android version. The demo apk and the full version apk says "app mot installed as package seems to be invalid" 

This game is fantastic this is why I wanted to support. Hope someone can help me. 

The demo Version from. The play store worked fine. Deinstalled it before of course.


I tried it on my tablet Samsung and it worked. It seams to be something with my Xiaomi 11T Pro phone. If I figure out what I will update the post.

Figured it out. In case someone has same issues: couldn't install it with apk installer (system. Default), had to download es file explorer and it worked on my xiaomi

I purchased the game and downloaded it on my smartphone but it only install the demo version

Maybe you have the play store one installed, try deleting it and installing the full version from itch.

My bad. I solved the problem. You have to "ignore" the security about the source of the app.

Thanks for your quick answer and your game.

(1 edit)

I can't get the windows demo download to work, with the itch launcher. The download popup doesn't have any option for the "install" dropdown. Anyone else has the same?

Download via a normal browser works fine. Great game.

The demo for android is really good.

(2 edits) (+2)

QoL request:  When picking up items in the inventory, please do not move them around until I put the item down.  It makes it awkward to deal with the inventory.  Please leave a blank space where I picked up an item until I place it somewhere.  The items keep moving around and confusing me.

Alternatively, when in the inventory, please let us right-click the item to see its description without picking it up.  


Bought this for Android and it's worth every penny. Bought it again for Windows and it's still worth every penny. 

+1 vote for Steam, would buy a third time.

(2 edits) (+1)

i love this game since i bouht it on mac and android. Worth all money, even i would spend more (7-10 usd) and buy 3rd time if you d release it on ios. I hate my android workphone so i stopped playing but i keep thinking about it every week, want to play it at night on couch on my iphone.

anyone knows any way to play it on ios or ipad os?

Tann i know u probably hate these questions (hopefully this message will reach you in good mood :) ), but are there any info bones about ios release?

cheers dude and thanks a lot for this miracle!

(7 edits)

Great game, I can't recommend it enough.

One suggestion for improvement though:

When setting up easier difficulties, it would be nice to have the choice of spending less modifier points than what's required to start a given run.

Sometimes you're 1 or 2 modifier points away from the required total, and the set of randomized rewards/penalties does not add up to something very usable, limiting actual selection options to maybe one or two rigid combinations in reality.

I'd rather have a run with, for example, 5/6 modifier points spent, than have a run where there's only one (less interesting) set I can actually go with, and the rest of the choices aren't actually possible combos.

(3 edits)

I thought of a simple alternative improvement to address this issue:

If there's always a guaranteed pair of blessings/curses worth 1 point thrown into the mix, then it would greatly reduce the odds of generating inflexible combinations.

expecting the new vesion

Does getting it here unlock it on my phone, or if I can show buying it on Google play, can I get access to the other versions here (please)?

(1 edit)

Hi Tann, 

I tried to enter in the Discord channel, but the link keeps saying "is no more available".

Could you update or offer an alternative way to enter?

Do you know, when will come a new refreshing update for the game?

My personal biggest concerns are:

- Seer & Herbalist are mostly better than most of their upgrades (because of their spell).

- Spellblade & Ninja are sometimes better than their upgrades (because of extra cheap useful spell & Copycat mechanics)

My suggestions are:

1. Add three options for upgrade:

- New lvl 3 hero

- Keep hero and improve their sides (by default +1 on each side, but maybe excluding "1 extra roll, Cantrip", because Cantrip is op)

- Random lvl 3 hero 

Or 2. Making the spells keepable,  selectable or even upgradable .

- This would mean a lot more of stuff combos and things, someone could do in this game, while mostly using the content which already exists.

Someone could argue, that the spell is the essence of the hero, which isn't false, but since there is no flavor text/story enrichment, this essence fades a bit away.

I think most of the people play this game because of pure fun (like me), not for its story.

And I'm burning to see what's coming and hoping for a big upgrade soon :)

I love this game and will keep loving it.

Have a nice day Tann :)

i have been hype fixating on this game on android, but i had to have it while im at my pc too. its exactly the kind of game i was looking for.
the only thing thats missing is a more personable feel, sort of like a pokemon nuzlocke, even if just randomized names

I found a paradoxical niche interaction! I was playing unfair with the Monster Charged curse. If you use Fate's Strand spell (the one with Spell Rescue), the behaviour gets really weird by being able to save multiple heroes and net mana off of it.

But on the other hand, if using strand reduces your mana, which reduces monster dice by enough to save a hero, it'll refund 4 mana which means no hero is saved. But if no hero is saved, then it should reduce mana sufficiently to save the hero. Therefore, Logical paradox. Turns out the game just resolves this by not considering a hero saved.

Little gems like this are why I'm loving this game. Keep it up!


The strength of the heroes still needs to be adjusted!


Please also consider adding a story mode to enrich some of the content (similar to paste mode).

Hii is there a way to reset all progress and start back from scratch ? I tried deleting and reinstalling the game but it changed nothing


Alamanac -> unlocks -> stats -> reset 

Thank you ! Have a great day

(6 edits) (-4)

A fun game for sure! Fun mechanics. But it is severely lacking in some much needed flavor text. Who are the characters? Why should I care? Who are the monsters? I don't even know what monster the archer is supposed to be. Why are we even on this quest in the first place? It just saps a lot of fun when there is seemingly no motive. Even just a sentence or two of flavor text in some places would make this game infinitely better. If you don't want to write or dont like to write, I could do it and you could just implement it! That would be great.


I would also say if you add this stuff, please include a toggle so I can turn it off, and I just want to play the game without have to skip through favour text. 

I got this game on Google Play about a year ago and it's the best $5 i have ever spent! So much gameplay options, game modes, character/enemies and items! I was amazed with the amount of modes and Loot, Cursed Hyper and Raid modes are my favorite!!!
Can we expect any update in the future? Awesome game 10/10!!!!


I responded to this as a devlog post :)


Well worth $7, and you get the PC AND Android versions? Sign me tf up. 

Tons of replayability. Lots of "one more turn" addictive energy.

Only thing missing is some bangin tunes, but you can always provide your own soundtrack.

Fantastic game with a great amount of content.

If you ever feel like making it even more endlessly replayable, it would be great if the player could choose their own combo of game-type (like shortcut, raid, or blursed) and team-type (standard, custom, or generated).


Amazingly balanced!


I bought this on the Google Play store. It is really fantastic. The game mechanics are wonderful, and there is tremendous variety in the game variants. It's just done incredibly well, from top to bottom. Some of my favorite elements are the Twin class, the Barrel enemy, the vowel modifier, the poison-everyone-who-is-poisoned weapon, the spells that get cheaper each time you cast them.

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